Tile & GROUT

Our specialized tile & grout cleaning services are meticulously crafted to deep clean, restore, and enhance the appearance of your tiled surfaces. Say goodbye to grime and discoloration and hello to sparkling, like-new tiles and grout.

Experience the transformation with our state-of-the-art cleaning technology and environmentally friendly methods, specifically designed to preserve the integrity and extend the lifespan of your tile and grout.

Explore the advantages of our expert service and understand why we are the preferred choice for tile and grout care in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.

Cleaning the tile floor.

Service offerings

Modern Designer Bathroom

Residential Tile & Grout Revival

Our Residential Tile & Grout Revival service breathes new life into your home's tiled areas. Our specialized cleaning solutions and techniques ensure deep cleaning without damaging your tiles. Say goodbye to dullness at just $1.00 per sq ft. Your tiles deserve a second life, and we're here to deliver it with precision and care.

Modern Office Interior

Commercial Tile & Grout Deep Clean

Ideal for commercial spaces like offices, restaurants, or retail stores, our Commercial Tile & Grout Deep Clean service tackles heavy foot traffic areas, removing stubborn dirt and grime. We ensure your tiled surfaces are immaculate, contributing to a cleaner, more professional environment for only $0.50 per sq ft.

Common TIle & Grout

problems and solutions

Old discolored tiles roof


Problem: Over time, grout can lose its original color and become stained, making your tiles look aged and unclean. This is often due to spills, dirt, and general wear.

Solution: Our cleaning process penetrates deep into grout lines, removing stains and restoring grout to its original color. We use specialized solutions that tackle discoloration without damaging the grout.

Texture of Dull Colored Brick


Problem: Tiles can lose their shine and appear dull, primarily due to the buildup of grime and residue from conventional cleaning products.

Solution: Our tile cleaning technique involves removing the dulling residue and restoring the natural shine of your tiles. We use high-quality cleaners that enhance tile brightness and leave a pristine finish.

Mildew mold developed on kitchen sink silicon seal

Mold & Mildew

Problem: Bathrooms and kitchens are prone to mold and mildew growth due to moisture and lack of proper ventilation, leading to health concerns and unsightly spots.

Solution: Our process not only removes visible mold and mildew but also treats the root cause. We use anti-fungal agents that are safe yet effective, ensuring a healthy and clean environment.